Monday, May 18, 2009

4 Weeks old today!

Molly is 4 weeks old today! I can hardly believe it! Time is precious these days, so I will quickly post some things that Molly is doing now...

  • Beginning to outgrow some of her newborn clothes in length. She is a skinny little one but long!!!
  • Has a cute little belly button that is finally healed.
  • Weighed 7 lb. 6 oz. at her two week appointment.
  • Was 20 and 1/4 inches when we measured her this weekend.
  • Is holding her head up for longer periods of time.
  • Is pulling her entire upper body off of your chest when she is laying on her stomach.
  • Tries to roll all the way over when laying on her back. She can already easily roll to her sides and has been for a few weeks.
  • Had to move up to size 2 nipples yesterday. (We probably should have done this sooner but mom just figured it out...)
  • Eats 3-4 ounces of formula regularly at about 3 hour intervals. Sometimes sooner if she is too lazy to wake fully at a feeding.
  • Stays awake from one feeding to the next with just a cat nap at least twice a day.
  • Tries to hold her own bottle.
  • Has quite a grip!!!
  • Makes eye contact regularly and focuses in on objects.
  • Responds to voices, at least mom and dad's.

I am sure I am forgetting something, but that is all I can remember! I wish I could put sleeping more than 3 hours at night, but unfortunately, we are still working on that one!!! Molly is getting so big so fast and I am just trying to enjoy as much as possible!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Our first Mother's Day...

Tomorrow will be my first mother's day. If you would have told me last year that I would have had a little one this year, I would have told you that you were crazy. For years, I heard nothing but "you'll probably have trouble conceiving so know that it won't be easy." So, imagine our surprise when we found out I was pregnant! It was sooner than expected, but God knew what he was doing. As we approach this day to celebrate mothers and I sit watching my sleeping Molly, I have begun to reflect on parenthood.

Over the past few weeks, my emotions have been on a total rollercoaster. Just three weeks ago, I was struggling with early labor, making useless trips to labor and delivery, and anxiously awaiting of the arrival of our little girl. I wondered what she would look like, what she would be like, and what it would be like to finally hold her in my arms. Those thoughts have been replaced over the past few weeks with thoughts of when will Molly sleep, when will she eat, and how I am going to be able to do all this. I am overwhelmed with a new kind of love for not only Molly, but Tim as well. Seeing him as a father is amazing. I loved him before, but it is a totally different level of love now. I am also overwhelmed with all the responsibility for shaping this precious little one's life and view of the world. It is a responsibility not to be taken lightly and I am so blessed to have a husband who takes his role as father just as seriously as I take my role as mother. The past few days and nights have been difficult because Molly seems to think that day is for sleeping and night is for playing, but even though I am going on very little sleep, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

I don't know how I would have survived without my mom (and step-dad of course) through these past few weeks. Whether it was being there with me in labor and delivery, watching Molly when I just needed some time or sleep, bringing food, or just listening when I am emotional in the middle of the night, she has always been right there and willing to jump in wherever and whenever needed. she never complained about being woken up in the middle of the night when I had a question, never hesitated when I asked for help, and always offered her words of advice without being pushy or judgmental. I had always heard that you never understand and appreciate your mother fully until you have a child of your own and now I totally agree. I only hope that Molly and I can have the type of relationship mom and I have. I wouldn't want it any other way. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One week milestones...

So after I posted yesterday, Miss Molly decided she wanted to hold her head up and turn it to look at us while we were talking! I couldn't believe it! She had her eyes wide open and was just taking everything in. It was too funny! I was in the middle of trying to burp her when it happened. She is becoming so expressive and starting to have personality. I look forward to what she will be like in the future. Just wanted to get this recorded on here before I forgot or got too busy!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy One Week Birthday Molly!!!

Today Molly is one week old! It is so hard to believe that it has been a whole week since she entered our lives. I feel so blessed to have such a sweet, precious, beautiful little one. She is truly a joy- even through the sleepless night, dirty diapers, and fussy moments (which don't come very often). Molly is starting to become more expressive as time goes on and is generally a really good baby. She doesn't really cry unless she is hungry or dirty. Right now we are working on staying awake for feedings. Molly wants to fall asleep half way through her bottle and then wake up an hour or so later and want more. We are trying everything! Hopefully she will grow out of this stage... Anyway, I know I need to post her birth story and I will soon along with some photos!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Molly Claire Davis was born at 1:55pm on April 20th. She weighed 6lb. 15oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long. I will post more later with pics and the entire story. She is doing GREAT!

Friday, April 10, 2009

15 days to go... or not

Well, we have 15 days to go until the due date, but I am PRAYING it will not go much longer. As of Tuesday, I was 1.5 cm dilated and her head was so low the doctor could feel it. YAY!!! I know I could stay that way for a while, but hopefully not. I would love to have an Easter Baby, but at this point I would just settle for Spring Break. I know I should enjoy being pregnant and our last few days/weeks as a couple before baby, but I am just so anxious to meet our little girl. Don't get me wrong, I have totally enjoyed spending time with Tim during my time off work, but we are both so excited about meeting Molly. Daily I think about who she will look like, what color hair and eyes she will have, what her temperament will be like. I am not one who does well with suspense, so I am surprised I have held it together this long! I am starting to get very uncomfortable. My pants are cutting into my stomach (where the maternity panel and pants material meet) so I have resorted to sweatpants and gauchos whenever possible. My back hurts so bad at times I could cry, so I am wondering if that means I will have back labor. I have tried to prepare myself for all of this, but I don't think ANYTHING could ever prepare you for labor or motherhood. I know all this will be worth it when she gets here, so come on Molly! Momma and Daddy are ready to meet you!

Hopefully the next post will be a welcome one!

Friday, March 27, 2009

MIA.... I know it's been a while

Okay, so I see it I have been MIA and it has been a while since I updated. Here is the quick version of what is going on around here...

  • I am on maternity leave as of yesterday. It was just getting to be entirely too much for me to work everyday. By the time I was leaving work, I could barely walk out of there. I am glad to have some time at home to get things ready before Molly makes her appearance.
  • My shower with the Davis's went really well a few weeks ago. We got lots of stuff and even some of our bigger items.
  • Molly's movements are getting much more subtle. Instead of swift kicks and punches, I feel squirms and rolls. She is definitely getting crowded in there.
  • Our tour of the maternity ward two weeks ago went really well. It is really nice and I am glad to be delivering there.
  • I have so much to do around here before Molly comes that I have NO CLUE how I will get it all done!!!
  • The biggest news is.... Molly has turned!!! She is head down so I don't have to worry about that anymore! I was so relieved yesterday at my appointment when we found out! Everything else looks good, too.
This is the quick version of it all, when I have more time to post or have any news, I will try to get it up! Hopefully I can do better about updating now that work is a thing of the past!